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Vita et res gestae Sultani, Almalichi Alnasiri, Saladini, Abi Modaffiri Josephi F. Jobi F. Sjadsi : = Sīrat as-sulṭān al-Malik an-Nāṣir Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn Abī Muẓaffar Yūsuf Ibn Ayyūb Ibn Šāḏī : Auctore Bohadino F. Sjeddadi. Nec non excerpta ex historia universali Abulfedae, easdem res gestas, reliquamque historiam temporis compendiose exhibentia. Itemque specimen ex historia majore Saladini, grandiore cothurno conscripta ab Amadoddino Jspahanensi / Ex mss. Arabicis Academiae Lugduno Batavae edidit ac Latine vertit Albertus Schultens. Accedit index commentariusque geographicus ex mss. ejusdem bibliothecae contextus
Ibn-Šaddād, Yūsuf Ibn-Rāfiʿ / Abu-'l-Fidāʾ Ismāʿīl Ibn-ʿAlī / Kātib al-Iṣfahānī, Muḥammad Ibn-Muḥammad al- / Schultens, Albert. Lugduni Batavorum: 1732.
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