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Theatri concionum sacr. topici theoretico-practici pars IX. et ultima : de Deo per bonorum operum et virtutum Christianarum studium iuxta praeceptorum decalogi, ex lege Mosaica a Christo servatore in Evangelium transsumptorum, regulam, sancte colendo : cum adiectis indicibus necessariis ex orthodoxiae monumentis concinnata : a Bartholom. Anhorn ab Hartwiss, pastore eccles. Elsaugianae in Agro Tigurino
Anhorn von Hartwiss, Bartholomaeus / Bertsche, Jacob / Meyer, Johann Heinrich / Anhorn, Jakob Christoph. Basileae: impensis Ioh. Henrici Meyeri: & Iac. Christoph. Anhorn: authoris generi & filii. Excudit Iacobus Bertschius, ann. 1691. 1066 p.
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